The success of Lower Kirby is, in part, due to a 2010 master plan which laid out the district’s regulatory, infrastructure, and financing framework. Upon adoption, the PEDC and the City of Pearland aggressively implemented major components of the plan in partnership with the municipal management districts.
Annexation of the area into the City of Pearland began in 1999, with five separate parcels, and was completed in 2005.
In 2004, the first land use plan was adopted for the district. The land use plan provides for a variety of uses while maintaining quality development standards.
Kirby Drive was constructed in 2006 providing access from Beltway 8 to Shadow Creek Parkway.
The first building in Lower Kirby, Bass Pro Shops, opened in 2008.
In 2009, PEDC and City of Pearland hired Gateway Planning Group to develop a strategy for Lower Kirby. Planning for zoning aligned by location and character, infrastructure and development guidelines, the strategy positions the district to maximize return on investment and building consistency. The resulting Lower Kirby Master Plan, coupled with a phased infrastructure strategy, create a uniquely positioned investment opportunity for Pearland and potential investors.
Cardiovascular Systems, Inc., a medical device company, moved into its new office and manufacturing facility in 2010 on Kirby Drive. This was the first of many medical device, life science, office and manufacturing companies to choose Lower Kirby for their new facilities.
In 2016, PEDC, the Lower Kirby Pearland Management District, and the Pearland Municipal Management District No.1 approved the Lower Kirby Beautification Strategy for Gateways and Corridor Enhancements.
The plan set forth design guidelines for signage and place-based branding and accompanying streetscaping at entryways. PEDC completed the construction of the first Lower Kirby entryways and corridor enhancements at Kirby Drive between Clear Creek and Beltway 8 in 2017.
In 2017, the Lower Kirby Pearland Management District Board approved a plan that would provide amenities to the District’s conveyance system and detention lakes. Drainage ditch and retention pond acquisition not only advanced Lower Kirby’s stormwater management interests, it enabled quality of life and place enhancements in the district.
In 2020, the Ivy Park was completed which is the first major park and trail project in the corridor that connects to miles of trails along Clear Creek and into the Shadow Creek Ranch trail system.
In 2023, the 1.25 mile Lower Kirby Trail was completed, originating at Endress+Hauser’s facility on Beltway 8 and extending to the pedestrian bridge at Clear Creek. The trail includes strategically placed shade structures, bench seating and landscaping.